Heather A. Davis

Director, News Publications

See Spot See

Researchers from Penn’s School of Veterinary Medicine have used gene therapy to cure day blindness in dogs—a groundbreaking advance that may help researchers one day restore day sight in humans, as well.

Heather A. Davis

Penn Medicine in Haiti

Even before the January earthquake in Haiti, citizens in that country had been suffering for decades in abject poverty, with a subpar infrastructure and little access to quality health care.

Heather A. Davis

A year of water, everywhere

Water is ubiquitous. We bathe in it, consume it and cook with it. We paddle over it, dive into it and skim the surface of it. And we witness political battles that are waged over it, communities across the globe that search for ways to get it and artists who seek to capture the spirit of water in art, poetry and literature.

Heather A. Davis

Passover at Penn

WHAT: This year, Passover begins on March 29 and runs through April 5. At Penn, Passover events have a home in Penn Hillel, the hub of Jewish life on campus.

Heather A. Davis