Heather A. Davis

Director, News Publications

Staff Q&A: Terri White

Terri White’s career at Penn has always revolved around students. When she started here as director of the Greenfield Intercultural Center, she advised many of the student organizations—including the Black Student League and the United Minorities Council—that enhance Penn student life.

Heather A. Davis

Staff Q&A: Mark Dorsey

Growing up in the Olney section of Philadelphia, Penn Police Chief Mark Dorsey was strongly influenced by the cops who took a vested interest in his neighborhood. That kind of concern is central to Dorsey’s policing philosophy: “That’s what I’m looking to bring back here—you feel very comfortable with the officer and the officer takes a stake in what happens in the neighborhood.”

Heather A. Davis

The good, the bad and the better

When the U.S. began fighting in Iraq in March 2003 and France refused to engage troops in the ground war, our onetime ally became a lightning rod for Americans critical of dissenters. Some responded by dumping French wine down the drain, while a handful of members of Congress went so far as to rename the french fries served in their cafeteria, “freedom fries.”

Heather A. Davis

Out and About: Birds-eye Penn

There are many ways to get a good look at Penn. You can hoof it around campus, walking down narrow walkways and making your way through the hidden recesses of the 269-acre campus. You can bike, too, for a similar view at a faster speed. But pretend for a moment that you could soar above the campus. What exactly would you see from a bird’s point-of-view?

Heather A. Davis