Katherine Unger Baillie

Cancer cells send out ‘drones’ to battle the immune system from afar

Checkpoint inhibitor therapies have made metastatic melanoma and other cancers a survivable condition, but only for some patients. Researchers uncovered a novel mechanism by which tumors suppress the immune system, raising the possibility that a straightforward blood test could predict which patients could respond to immunotherapy.

Karen Kreeger, Katherine Unger Baillie

Dental plaque is no match for catalytic nanoparticles

A recent study found that nanoparticles can break down dental plaque with nanoparticles that target biofilms, preventing tooth decay in humans and animal models without damaging surrounding oral tissue.

Katherine Unger Baillie

A physics treasure hidden in the pattern of wallpaper

Charles Kane and Andrew Rappe of the School of Arts and Sciences were part of an international team that has identified a new form of insulating material that may one day provide a basis for quantum computing. The patterns found in everyday wallpaper played a role in the discovery.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Pro tips from Penn’s gardeners

Community garden coordinator Lila Bhide and Penn Park Orchard intern Cole Jadrosich of Facilities and Real Estate Services offer suggestions for creating a thriving, edible, urban garden.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Understanding the social dynamics that cause cooperation to thrive, or fail

Many examples of cooperation exist in nature, but it’s far from a universal characteristic of human or animal groups. Using a mathematical model, Erol Akçay showed that less randomly connected social networks make cooperation more likely, but those dynamics may ultimately lead to cooperation’s collapse.

Katherine Unger Baillie