T Cells That Recognize HER2 Receptor May Be Key to Preventing HER2+ Breast Cancer Recurrence, Penn Study Finds

Recurrence of HER2-positive breast cancer after treatment may be due to a specific and possibly cancer-induced weakness in the patient’s immune system – a weakness that in principle could be corrected with a HER2-targeted vaccine – according to a new study from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Results of the study show that T cells from patien

Katie Delach

Counseling Paired With Comprehensive Genetic Cancer Screening May Increase Knowledge and Decrease Anxiety Among At-Risk Patients, Penn Study Finds

Many BRCA 1/2-negative patients choose to proceed with comprehensive testing for genetic mutations that increase cancer risk, and when presented with counseling before and after testing, most make informed decisions and experience decreased levels of anxiety, according to new research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University o

Katie Delach