Lauren Hertzler

On a ‘sociological safari’ with father and son

David Grazian used to spend a lot of time in blues clubs in Chicago and in the entertainment districts of Philadelphia. For the early part of the Penn sociology professor’s career, his research was devoted to nightlife in cities.

Lauren Hertzler

Staff Q&A with Wilson Chang

Wilson Chang came to Penn in 1996 as an undergraduate mechanical engineering major. After about two years, he switched into psychology. Then he dropped out of school.

Lauren Hertzler

Using brain imaging to predict success of public health campaigns

Mass media campaigns have proven to influence people’s health-related decision making—for better or for worse. Effective messaging has helped millions quit smoking, exercise more, and eat better, while failed campaigns have backfired, sometimes even causing those with unhealthy habits to dig deeper into their vices.

Lauren Hertzler

Penn's Outdoor Adventure program offers break from city life

When they first moved to Philadelphia, Sofia Lisanti and her husband, Michele Tavecchio, admit that it was tough to get accustomed to living in the city. As natives of northern Italy, they were used to its rich mountains and all the accompanying outdoor activities.

Lauren Hertzler

PAACH marks 15 ‘empowering’ years

It provides a home base for that much-needed break in a busy school day, Yen-Yen Gao says, when describing the Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH).

Lauren Hertzler

A campaign to respect and understand

A diverse community that is engaged is the “heart of the University,” says Will Gipson, associate vice provost for equity and access.

Lauren Hertzler