Karen Detlefsen named Penn vice provost for education

The professor of philosophy in the School of Arts & Sciences, with a secondary appointment in the Graduate School of Education, has been named vice provost for education at the University of Pennsylvania, effective July 1.

Leo Charney

Mary Francis to head Penn Press

Mary Francis has been named director of Penn Press at the University of Pennsylvania, effective Sept. 23. The announcement was made today by Penn Provost Wendell Pritchett.

Leo Charney

Stanton Wortham Appointed Faculty Director of the Penn Online Learning Initiative

  Stanton Wortham has been named faculty director of the Online Learning Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania, effective Sept. 1. He is the Judy and Howard Berkowitz Professor in Penn’s Graduate School of Education. The announcement was made by Provost Vincent Price and Beth Winkelstein, vice provost for education.

Leo Charney

Beth Winkelstein Appointed Penn Vice Provost for Education

Beth Winkelstein has been named vice provost for education at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a professor of bioengineering and the associate dean for undergraduate education in Penn’s School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Leo Charney

Eight Professors Appointed Penn Fellows

Eight faculty members at the University of Pennsylvania have been named Penn Fellows. The announcement was made today by Penn Provost Vincent Price and Anita Allen, vice provost for faculty.

Leo Charney

Eight Professors Appointed Penn Fellows

Provost Vincent Price and Vice Provost for Faculty Anita Allen are pleased to announce the appointment of the sixth cohort of Penn Fellows.

Leo Charney

Penn’s Vincent Price Named to Participate in National Presidential Innovation Lab

Vincent Price, provost of the University of Pennsylvania, has been named to the Presidential Innovation Lab, an effort by the American Council on Education to examine possible models, inspired by changes from new educational technologies such as massive open online courses, or MOOCs, to boost the number of Americans able to earn a college degree.

Leo Charney