Michele W. Berger

Women will compete against self, not others, to improve performance

A woman is less likely to choose competition than a man, even when she performs equally well, unless competing with herself for a better outcome, according to a new study from the University of Pennsylvania, George Mason University and the German Institute for Economic Research or DIW.

Michele W. Berger

Diabetes accounts for more U.S. deaths than previously thought

Diabetes accounts for 12 percent of deaths in the United States, a significantly higher percentage than previous research revealed, making it the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer, according to findings from the University of Pennsylvania and Boston University published in

Michele W. Berger

Power poses don’t help boost confidence after all, Penn research shows

 When a 2010 study touted that making a power pose—like a Wonder Woman stance with hands on hips and shoulders back—for just two minutes before an important encounter could boost confidence by increasing certain hormones, it made quite the splash.  In the ensuing years, however, numerous researchers have tried to replicate those findings, to no

Michele W. Berger