Penn Museum: Exchange of Prisoners With Metropolitan Museum of Art

When Penn Museum agreed to lend objects from its Egyptian collection to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for their new exhibition, The Dawn of Egyptian Art (April 10 through August 5, 2012), Penn Museum’s Egyptian section curator made one special request—for a temporary “exchange of prisoners.”

Pam Kosty

Julian Siggers Appointed Williams Director of Penn Museum

PHILADELPHIA — Julian Siggers has been appointed the Williams Director of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, effective July 1. The announcement was made today by Penn President Amy Gutmann and Provost Vincent Price. 

Pam Kosty

Year-Long 'Imagine Africa' Public Project Begins Sept. 18 at Penn Museum

PHILADELPHIA, PA—How do you imagine Africa? Do you see it as the home of powerful nations? Do you think of intricately carved masks or fine art? Maybe you're interested in the peoples living in Africa today.Imagine Africa with the Penn Museum, a twelve-month project investigating community perspectives, launches Sunday, September 18.

Pam Kosty