Perelman School of Medicine

Penn Study Finds a Genetic Basis for Muscle Endurance in Animal Study

Researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have identified a gene for endurance, or more precisely, a negative regulator of it. Not having the gene relates to greater endurance in the knockout mice that were studied.

Karen Kreeger

Penn Researchers Find Neural Signature of ‘Mental Time Travel’

PHILADELPHIA — Almost everyone has experienced one memory triggering another, but explanations for that phenomenon have proved elusive. Now, University of Pennsylvania researchers have provided the first neurobiological evidence that memories formed in the same context become linked, the foundation of the theory of episodic memory.

Evan Lerner

Secrets of Patient Safety Program Unraveled in Penn Collaborative Study

PHILADELPHIA – A team of social scientists and medical and nursing researchers in the United States and the United Kingdom has pinpointed how a program, which ran in more than 100 hospital intensive care units in Michigan, dramatically reduced the rates of potentially deadly central line bloodstream infections to become one of the world’s most successful patient-safety programs.

Jacquie Posey

In the News

The New York Times

How Kennedy could make it harder for you and your family to get vaccinated

In a co-written opinion essay, PIK Professor Ezekiel Emanuel explains how Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his allies in the Trump administration could discourage the use and research of vaccines.


Philadelphia Inquirer

Penn is giving out free gun safes to help Philadelphians secure their firearms

Penn Medicine is giving out gun safes and locks to help people keep their firearms safe from children in the home, with remarks from Sunny V. Jackson and Neda Khan.


The New York Times

Elon Musk asked people to upload their health data. X users obliged

Matthew McCoy of the Perelman School of Medicine recommends not contributing private health data to the X chatbot Grok as an individual user.


The Washington Post

Is it anxiety or something else? What women should know

Lily Brown of the Perelman School of Medicine says that rates of anxiety disorders skyrocket around the time of first menstruation in puberty.


The Washington Post

The latest skincare trend: Beef fat. Yes, beef fat

Bruce Brod of the Perelman School of Medicine says that there’s no evidence to show beef tallow is better than conventional moisturizers.