How Long Will AI’s Free-Trial Era Last?
Ethan Mollick of the Wharton School says that the generative AI industry has alternated directionally between moving more AI tools behind paywalls and making everything free by default.
Ethan Mollick of the Wharton School says that the generative AI industry has alternated directionally between moving more AI tools behind paywalls and making everything free by default.
Jeffrey Millstein of the Perelman School of Medicine says that a ventilator would be the next step if Pope Francis wasn’t able to breathe well enough with the non-invasive support he’s received so far.
Masoud Akbarzadeh of the Weitzman School of Design has created a 30-foot-long bridge built entirely of interlocking 16-millimeter hollow glass pieces.
A study by Britta Glennon of the Wharton School found that policies aimed at reducing immigration have the unintended consequence of encouraging firms to offshore jobs abroad.
At a recent Project HERO workshop at one of SHOP’s partner sites, Aravind Krishan, center, gave a brief presentation on heart health and Taylor Brothers, left, gave a CPR demo.
Angela Crumdy is a Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow in Penn GSE’s Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems Division.
(Image: Courtesy of Penn GSE)
Image: FilippoBacci via Getty Images
Kermit Roosevelt of Penn Carey Law says that Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett reaches decisions after a process of good-faith, analytical reasoning.
John Paul MacDuffie of the Wharton School says that automakers will be hit differently by tariffs depending on where exactly their supply chains are.
Perelman School of Medicine student Gyan Moorthy says that an exemption to tree planting requirements near certain affordable housing developments in Philadelphia denies the benefits of trees to an already vulnerable population.