Since Penn Today launched in 2018, we’ve told stories about you, the Penn community, in features, profiles, research news, event coverage, photos, and videos. In fact, we’ve published nearly 7,000 news stories and sent out more than 2,050 daily and weekly newsletters. We’ve planned 1,280 photo shoots, created 37,500 photos, and filmed and edited 600 videos—that’s equal to 6 terabytes of raw photos and videos.
Over time, our readership has increased. Since 2018, pageviews have tripled, with more than 5 million in 2024.
And our readers are from near and far—from Locust Walk to across the globe.
We’re grateful you’ve read and shared so much of our content. On March 17, we’re excited to present the relaunch of Penn Today. The website and newsletters will feature an updated design and the capability for more dynamic storytelling so we can bring you the stories and images you love in a variety of new ways.
New features include:
- Flexible, content-driven layouts throughout the site and in the newsletters that allow us to rearrange the layout depending on the big stories of the day.
- Prominently featured announcements on the Penn Today homepage, putting important University messages in a distinct display.
- Special features on the homepage, including a section for storytelling related to In Principle and Practice, Penn’s strategic framework.
- Access to all stories from the News Archive tab on the navigation bar, grouping all content in one spot—whether originally produced, repurposed from a Penn partner, or from external media.
- A refined Topics list on the navigation bar, including up to five Featured Topics which reflect trends or themes in research and around campus.
- The Schools tab in the navigation bar links to all content from each school featured on Penn Today, plus a link to the school website.
- In the Explore tab in the navigation bar, we include links to an Announcements page, the Events calendar, Newsletters sign-up, and Penn in the News.
- Listings on the Events page that link directly to external sites around Penn.
- An Advanced search allows you to filter by content type, topic, school, format, and date—with improved results.
You’ll still be able to get to our content in whatever way is easiest: Starting your morning with the daily newsletter; receiving once-a-week wrap-ups with the weekly newsletter; following our stories on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Threads; bookmarking the Penn Today website; or finding our content through organic searches.
Thank you for reading!