Campus-wide communications from University administration.
University Announcement
A message on summer programming and budget considerations for fiscal year 2021
The guiding priority of the University, from the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been to protect the health and safety of Penn students, faculty, staff, postdocs, patients, and visitors. Moving to a virtual learning platform and depopulating the campus in a matter of days required an unprecedented effort. We are profoundly grateful to everyone at Penn who contributed to facilitate this extraordinary transition.
University Announcement
Message to the Penn community about the Summer Session
We are grateful to all of you for your hard work and creativity in resuming classes—and for your patience in navigating the many unwanted disruptions to our semester. We are writing now to let you know that our current remote learning plan will extend to all credit-bearing courses scheduled to begin on May 26, including both Summer Session I and the 11-week Summer Session. This decision, while not taken lightly, arises from the indefinite stay-at-home order in Philadelphia and the need to resume campus activities only when it is considered safe do so.
University Announcement
Message to Penn faculty and staff regarding ongoing University operations
Today we are announcing that the University of Pennsylvania’s interruption of all onsite operations, except for those that are life-sustaining essential employees, will continue until further notice. We will keep you updated well in advance when more information is available on an exact date for returning to onsite operations.
University Announcement
Message to Penn faculty and staff regarding changes to operations
Consistent with an order issued by Governor Wolf late Thursday afternoon, the University of Pennsylvania is suspending all operations performed onsite except for those that are life-sustaining. Remote work is not impacted by this order and is expected to continue. Effective 12:01 a.m. on March 21, 2020, only those University employees who are performing life-sustaining work are permitted to be physically present at the University. This includes, but is not limited to, those employees performing the following services for the University:
University Announcement
Message to Penn undergraduates about pass/fail options
We are enormously grateful for your patience and understanding during the events of the past few weeks. None of us expected—or wanted—the disruptions to this semester. We are now excited to return on Monday to teaching and learning, our most important work together as a Penn community.
University Announcement
A personal message from Amy Gutmann
This is a generation-defining moment. And like every such moment that has gone before, it is not only the crisis itself but also how we respond that matters most. The Penn community has responded heroically.
University Announcement
Message to Penn students from Benoit Dubé
I am writing to share that three Penn undergraduate students have tested positive for COVID-19. Two students are home, away from campus. One was on campus and tested by Penn Medicine. Upon release from the hospital, that student will be quarantined and cared for in an undisclosed campus location following public health protocols. Protecting the anonymity of these students is of utmost importance. Please respect your classmates’ privacy and think about how you would want others to act if you were contending with COVID-19.
University Announcement
Message to Penn faculty and staff to clarify University operations
Thank you to all of you who have followed our guidance regarding remote work and engaging in good and healthy practices both in and out of the Penn environment. We are writing today to clarify Penn’s guidance in the context of the recent announcements from federal, state and city officials.
University Announcement
New measures to protect the health and safety of the Penn community
In the face of the urgent public health crisis caused by COVID-19, the University of Pennsylvania is instituting new measures to protect the health and safety of our community, as well as to maintain the capability of our health system. All researchers should immediately prepare to discontinue all nonessential on-campus research activities on or before March 17. Our research efforts to combat COVID-19 will continue, and they represent an example of the very limited essential research that should continue.
University Announcement
A message to the Penn community on major changes to Commencement
To protect the health of our graduates, Penn is cancelling this year’s on-campus Commencement events and moving them to a virtual ceremony online.