Campus-wide communications from University administration.
University Announcement
An update on coronavirus
We are writing to share information about the new strain of coronavirus that has been making the news and to inform you of the steps the University is taking to monitor the situation and keep our community healthy.
University Announcement
Penn integrates health and wellness resources into comprehensive unit of Provost’s Office
Penn will integrate all of its health and wellness resources, including CAPS and SHS, into a comprehensive Health and Wellness unit of the Provost’s Office. This unit will be overseen directly by the Provost in partnership with our Chief Wellness Officer, Dr. Benoit Dubé, who will report to him as an Associate Provost.
University Announcement
A message to the Penn community on the naming of Penn Law
The W. P. Carey Foundation has given Penn the largest gift ever to a law school: $125 million. In recognition of the Foundation’s generosity and in honor of the Carey family and its long-term involvement with Penn, the Penn Board of Trustees approved a resolution designating that the school will now be named the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School.
University Announcement
University mourns the loss of G. Maurice Harton
Dear graduate student community members in Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World, Ancient History, Anthropology, Classical Studies, History of Art, Near East Languages and Civilization, and the Penn Museum: We are devastated to share the difficult news of the death of your friend and classmate, G. Maurice Harton. Maurice passed away in his off-campus residence this week.
University Announcement
Penn names School of Design in honor of Stuart Weitzman
The University of Pennsylvania will name its School of Design in honor of award-winning designer and footwear icon Stuart Weitzman, Wharton Class of 1963, in recognition of his lifetime transformational support of the University and his active engagement in our academic activities.
University Announcement
Statement from Penn President Amy Gutmann in response to the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh
I know I speak on behalf of the entire Penn community in saying how horrified I am at the unconscionable, despicable acts of violence perpetrated against members of the Tree of Life Synagogue earlier today. Our deepest sympathies go out to all in the Pittsburgh community who have been absolutely devastated by such senseless acts of hatred. What a sad and horrifying day it is for our entire country. That these shootings and other acts of violence occur with such frequency is an ongoing national tragedy.
University Announcement
University Mourns the Loss of Naomi Evers Lynch
Dear Mid-Career students, staff, and faculty, With sorrow, we share the news of the passing of Naomi Evers Lynch, a lifelong educator who began pursuing a doctoral degree at 61 and battled cancer for the duration of her time in the Mid-Career program in Educational Leadership. Naomi, 64, died September 2 in Virginia, where she lived. Her research focused on using civics lessons to help adolescents become engaged citizens with strong critical-thinking skills.
University Announcement
University Mourns Loss of Cameron Avant Driver
Dear members of the SP2 community, We write today to offer support as we confirm the difficult news that Cameron Avant Driver, a part-time MSW student on track to finish his degree in 2020, passed away last night after suffering a medical emergency.
University Announcement
University Mourns the Loss of Kristina Krull
Dear Independent School Teaching Residency Community,
University Announcement
University response to Supreme Court travel ban
We continue to be very troubled by the executive order, now upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, that prohibits travelers from seven countries from entering the United States, five of them majority-Muslim.