Penn Engineers Design Color-Changing Material That Could Help Diagnose Concussions

The precise link between concussions and debilitating conditions like chronic traumatic encephalopathy is still being explored, but as the name suggests, repeated head injuries are a main culprit. Unfortunately, unlike a broken bone or a torn ligament, concussions are invisible and tricky to diagnose.

Evan Lerner

Y-Prize returns with focus on biomedical engineering

The Y-Prize is returning for a fourth year, encouraging people throughout the Penn community to come up with business plans for technology emerging from the University’s engineering and medical labs.

Evan Lerner

Two Penn Projects Will Look at Biological Applications of New 2-D Materials

Graphene, a one-atom thick lattice of carbon atoms, has been the focus of intense research since its discovery more than a decade ago. Effectively two-dimensional, graphene has unique physical properties and ultra-high conductivity and promises to revolutionize electronic devices as the ability to mass produce it grows.

Evan Lerner

Creative students get their hack on at PennApps

On Friday, Sept. 4, nearly 2,000 of the world’s top young computer scientists and engineers assembled in the bowl of the Wells Fargo Center. They were awaiting the start of PennApps, the world’s largest collegiate hackathon.

Evan Lerner

Creative Students Get Their Hack on at PennApps

On Friday, Sept. 4, nearly 2,000 of the world’s top young computer scientists and engineers assembled in the bowl of the Wells Fargo Center. They were awaiting the start of PennApps, the world’s largest collegiate hackathon.

Evan Lerner