New Penn center sets sights on solving problems of the digital age

The integration of computers in modern life has led to an explosion in networks and the amount of data flowing through them. This information has enabled the more efficient management of electrical grids, and new research techniques in fields as diverse as sociology, astronomy, and genetics.

Evan Lerner

Nano/Bio Interface Center at Penn to Host Annual NanoDay

On Wednesday, Oct. 23, the University of Pennsylvania’s Nano/Bio Interface Center will host its annual NanoDay@Penn. This public education and outreach event will feature a series of talks, demonstrations and exhibits dealing with nanotechnology, a rapidly expanding scientific discipline that involves the manipulation of matter on the atomic and molecular scale.

Evan Lerner

New Network and Data Sciences Center to Open at Penn

The University of Pennsylvania is launching a new, interdisciplinary research effort to study and solve problems using the tools of the digital age: The Warren Center for Network & Data Sciences.  

Evan Lerner

Penn Engineering Intro Class Gets a Power Boost

As computers become more enmeshed in everyday life, both their software and hardware are becoming accessible to the average person. Whereas do-it-yourself enthusiasts of earlier generations tackled birdhouses and AM radios, this generation is making its own robots, 3-D printers and cell phone accessories.

Evan Lerner

Penn researchers test economic theory among hunter-gatherers

Centuries of economic theory have been based on one simple premise: When given a choice between two items, people make the rational decision and select the one they value more. But as with many simple premises, this one has a flaw—it is demonstrably untrue.

Evan Lerner

Wharton/Penn Engineering Y-Prize goes global

Last year, the School of Engineering and Applied Science’s GRASP lab and the Wharton School’s Mack Institute helped take cutting-edge robots out of the lab and into the marketplace through the

Evan Lerner