Penn researchers use Facebook as psychology tool

Every day, millions of people post billions of words on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Far from seeing this type of communication as mere ephemera, an interdisciplinary research team set to find out whether the information could be used as a veritable window to the soul.  

Evan Lerner

Penn Researchers Use Facebook Data to Predict Users’ Age, Gender and Personality Traits

In the age of social media, people's inner lives are increasingly recorded through the language they use online. With this in mind, an interdisciplinary group of University of Pennsylvania researchers is interested in whether a computational analysis of this language can provide as much, or more, insight into their personalities as traditional methods used by psychologists, such as self-reported surveys and questionnaires.

Evan Lerner

Penn contest searches for next big app idea

Over the past two weeks, hundreds of top coders camped out on Penn’s campus as the School of Engineering and Applied Science hosted its inaugural HACKfest, a series of app-coding and ha

Evan Lerner

Penn Science Café: Studying Self-Control

Associate Professor of Psychology Robert Kurzban studies how the mind has adapted over time to the challenges of the social world, such as how to make decisions about cooperation, morality and punishment. Kurzban will talk about one trait we associate with these challenges: willpower.

Evan Lerner