WHAT: The 2008 documentary film BLAST! follows a team of scientists, led by Mark Devlin, professor of astronomy and astrophysics, in their attempts to figure out how galaxies form by launching a revolutionary new telescope on a NASA high-altitude balloon.
PHILADELPHIA –- University of Pennsylvania psychologists studying the cognitive mechanisms behind human friendship have determined that how you rank your best friends is closely related to how you think your friends rank you.
PHILADELPHIA –- Arjun G. Yodh, a researcher studying condensed matter physics, medical and biophysics and optics has been named director of the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter at the University of Pennsylvania.
PHILADELPHIA – Three urban leaders have been honored by the Penn Institute for Urban Research at the 5th Annual Urban Leadership Forum, “Building Competitive and Sustainable Cities,” at the University of Pennsylvania.
Note for TV and radio: The University of Pennsylvania has a satellite uplink facility with live-shot capability and an ISDN line.Experts:
Research co-authored by Matthew Levendusky of the School of Arts & Sciences found that political discussions between members of opposing voting parties helped reduce polarization and negative views of the other side.
Jeremy Sabloff of the School of Arts & Sciences and Penn Museum says that ancient fish-trapping canals show continuity in Maya culture.
College of Arts and Sciences fourth-year Om Gandhi from Barrington, Illinois, has been awarded a 2025 Rhodes Scholarship to continue his cancer research at Oxford University.
College of Arts and Sciences fourth-year Om Gandhi from Barrington, Illinois, has been awarded a 2025 Rhodes Scholarship for graduate study at the University of Oxford.
Alicia Meyer and Tessa Gadomski of Penn Libraries are researching whether a pair of centuries-old gloves belonged to Shakespeare, with remarks from Zachary Lesser of the School of Arts & Sciences.