Louisa Shepard
Senior News Officer
On the 10th anniversary of the triple disaster of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear facility destruction, a film and discussion hosted by the Center for East Asian Studies looked at the calamity’s reverberations.
Glenda Goodman, an assistant professor of music, explores how hand-copying musical compositions and amateur performance shaped identity and ideas in the post-Revolutionary War period.
The professor of history’s new book explores the intertwined history of travel segregation and African American struggles for freedom of movement.
Penn GSE doctoral student Moulite’s second Young Adult novel “One of the Good Ones” has published to rave reviews.
In a collaborative English course taught by Lorene Cary in the fall, students shared their experiences with civic engagement by writing for publication, partnering with nonprofits like Vote That Jawn to share non-partisan information with other young first-time voters.
Known as the Deep Backfile project, a team of Penn Libraries staff has been analyzing an accumulated history of periodicals in the collection to determine which are no longer restricted by copyright, making them available for free and unrestricted use.
While there are some challenges, universities provide an environment for faculty to pursue both their artistic creativity and academic scholarship, said Penn professors in a Homecoming discussion led by Al Filreis of the Kelly Writers House.
Sophomore Laila Shadid and junior Zeynep Karadeniz, both in the College of Arts and Sciences, share a passion for understanding the Middle East—a passion that is now on display in “Fenjan.”
Sophomore Ollie Kim Dupuy brings a passion for performance poetry into a summer internship with the Graduate School of Education’s Ebony Elizabeth Thomas.
New leadership—plus the pandemic and protests—are fueling change at the venerable Penn Press.
Louisa Shepard
Senior News Officer
Alicia Meyer and Tessa Gadomski of Penn Libraries are researching whether a pair of centuries-old gloves belonged to Shakespeare, with remarks from Zachary Lesser of the School of Arts & Sciences.
The manuscript for illustrator Wanda Gág’s diary, “Growing Pains,” is archived in the Kislak Center at Penn Libraries.
Alumnus Gary Prebula and his wife, Dawn, have donated a $500,000 comic book collection to Penn Libraries.
Alumnus Gary Prebula and his wife, Dawn, have donated a $500,000 collection of more than 75,000 comic books and graphic novels to Penn Libraries, featuring remarks from Sean Quimby of the Kislak Center.
Charles Bernstein of the School of Arts & Sciences says that the late Jerome Rothenberg was the ultimate hyphenated person: a poet-critic-anthologist-translator.
Alumnus Gary Prebula and his wife, Dawn, have donated a $500,000 collection of more than 75,000 comic books and graphic novels to Penn Libraries, featuring remarks from Sean Quimly of the Kislak Center and Jean-Christophe Cloutier of the School of Arts & Sciences.