Education, Business, & Law

Penn Sophomore Speaks at U.N. Human Rights Session in Geneva

In testimony before the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Benjamin Fogel spoke out against the repression of political freedom, false imprisonment and the absence of an independent judiciary in Belarus. But Fogel isn’t a world leader or foreign-policy expert.

Jacquie Posey

Penn Prof Al Filreis to Host N.Y. Public Library Inaugural ‘ModPo’ MOOC Meet-up

In the New York City area, online students in a University of Pennsylvania massive open online course on modern poetry are getting the chance to meet offline. The venue is the New York Public Library where learners in Penn English professor Al Filreis’ “Modern and Contemporary American Poetry” MOOC can gather for weekly in-person discussions.

Jacquie Posey

Penn President Amy Gutmann to Welcome Incoming Freshmen

WHO:            Amy Gutmann, president of the University of Pennsylvania, and incoming freshmen WHAT:          Move-in for Penn's Class of 2018 WHEN:          Aug. 22, 2014, 11am

Jeanne Leong

In the News

USA Today

How are borrowers reacting to the Federal Reserve rate cuts?

Peter Conti-Brown of the Wharton School says that consumers are going to struggle to outsmart interest rates because the Federal Reserve doesn’t know where interest rates are going.


WHYY (Philadelphia)

Is the American shopping mall dead? The Philadelphia area has seen its fair share disappear

Barbara Kahn of the Wharton School says that shopping malls and physical retail are evolving rather than dying.



Why the U.S. forced sale of Google’s Chrome faces legal hurdles

Justin (Gus) Hurwitz of Penn Carey Law says that divesting Chrome doesn’t address the underlying antitrust concerns with Google.



OpenAI partners with Wharton for a new course focused on leveraging ChatGPT for teachers

OpenAI is partnering with the Wharton School to offer a generative AI course for educators taught by Lilach and Ethan Mollick.



U.S. SEC chief Gensler to step down in January when Trump takes over

Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that SEC Chair Gary Gensler came in with an aggressive rule-making agenda that likely won’t endure past his departure.