Grace Kunas knows that every second counts in a crisis. Kunas, a junior from Madison, N.J., is chief of the all-volunteer Medical Emergency Response Team at the University of Pennsylvania. For her it is a chance to fulfill a personal and professional goal to help others.
Penn President Amy Gutmann and Provost Vincent Price today announced that John L. Jackson Jr., the Richard Perry University Professor at the University of Pennsylvania and Senior Advisor for Diversity in the Office of the Provost, has been named dean of Penn’s School of Social Policy & Practice.
Geoffrey Garrett has been named dean of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, effective July 1.
The School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania has announced a new child welfare specialization within its master’s of social work program.
MEDIA ADVISORY WHO: The Netter Center for Community Partnerships’ Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative engages, educates and empowers youth, university students and community members to promote healthy lifestyles and build a sustainable food system.
Today, almost 80% of all city dwellers live in Asian cities. In "The Future of Urbanization: What Can We Learn from Asian Cities?" a panel will examine the challenges and opportunities of urban life in Asia and suggest lessons for cities around the globe.
When it comes to winning Oscars and other awards to gain recognition and success in Hollywood, who you know matters just as much as who is judging, according to a new University of Pennsylvania collaborative study.
University of Pennsylvania senior Xavier Flory has been awarded a Michel David-Weill Scholarship to pursue a master’s degree in political science at SciencesPo in Paris.
WHO: Women of Color at Penn University of Pennsylvania
Barbara Kahn of the Wharton School says that shopping malls and physical retail are evolving rather than dying.
Peter Conti-Brown of the Wharton School says that consumers are going to struggle to outsmart interest rates because the Federal Reserve doesn’t know where interest rates are going.
Justin (Gus) Hurwitz of Penn Carey Law says that divesting Chrome doesn’t address the underlying antitrust concerns with Google.
Jill Fisch of Penn Carey Law says that SEC Chair Gary Gensler came in with an aggressive rule-making agenda that likely won’t endure past his departure.
OpenAI is partnering with the Wharton School to offer a generative AI course for educators taught by Lilach and Ethan Mollick.