The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce the establishment of a Partnership for Globalization with Sovereign Bank, part of Banco Santander.
PHILADELPHIA –- Physicists and neuroscientists from the University of Pennsylvania have linked the cell structure of the retina to the light and dark contrasts of the natural world, demonstrating the likelihood that the neural pathways humans use for seeing are adapted to best capture the world around us.
PHILADELPHIA –- A new report from the University of Pennsylvania’s Fels Institute of Government shows how public investment guided by strategic planning can produce highly successful results, even within an urban area formerly plagued by high levels of vacancy and abandonment.
WASHINGTON -- University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann attended a meeting at the White House today as an invited guest of Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
PHILADELPHIA -- J. Larry Jameson, M.D., Ph.D., has been named the next executive vice president of the University of Pennsylvania for the Health System and dean of Penn’s School of Medicine, effective July 1, 2011.
PHILADELPHIA — Marybeth Gasman, an associate professor in the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, will speak at the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities conference in Washington, D.C., during National HBCU Week, which runs S
PHILADELPHIA – The winners of the Wharton Business Plan Competition rang the NASDAQ Stock Market closing bell in Times Square in New York City today.
PHILADELPHIA –- The University of Pennsylvania came in at No. 19 –- up from No. 45 last year -- in the Sierra Club Magazine’s ranking of colleges it believes are doing the most for the planet.
An award-winning children’s PBS KIDS program, Between the Lions, when combined with teachers who are equipped with curriculum materials and who have received training, has consistently demonstrated its effectiveness in developing better reading skills for preschool children.
WHO: Patrick Dugan, Philadelphia Municipal Court judge and veteran of the wars in Iraq and AfghanistanWHAT: Graduation ceremony for 40 U.S. veteransWHEN: Aug. 26, 2010, 7 p.m.
A study by Kent Smetters of the Penn Wharton Budget Model and colleagues estimates that cutting taxes on Social Security benefits could cost the federal government $1.5 trillion during the next decade and exacerbate Social Security’s projected funding shortfalls.
Sarah Paoletti of Penn Carey Law says that ICE is limited in its ability to come into homes and detain people without a warrant.
David Zaring of the Wharton School says that the idea of a professionalized civil service has been around since the 19th century.
Daniel Taylor of the Wharton School says that bureaucratically inefficient agencies can’t be improved by threatening their workforces, having mass layoffs, and making unexplained changes.
According to an analysis by the Penn Wharton Budget Model, the SAVE student loan repayment plan could cost taxpayers as much as $475 billion over a decade.