An international consortium involving Penn researchers pools electronic health record data from around the world to discover clinical insights about COVID-19.
Examining insurance data, Penn researchers found that 36% of patients received an opioid prescription that was stronger than the CDC-recommended dose.
Penn experts discuss the psychology behind decision-making, how anxiety and stress impacts behavior, and share strategies for deciding how to safely reengage with society.
A collaboration with nursing, engineering, and the medical device provider will develop new technologies to assist clinicians via “safe AI.”
The inherited disease, which typically kills children before their second birthday, has no cure, but a School of Veterinary Medicine study in a canine model offers hope for an effective gene therapy with lasting results.
Commentary by two Penn researchers outline a systematic framework for repurposing existing drugs to quickly find new therapies, after an observational study suggested statins may be helpful in combating COVID-19.
A study of opioid risk and overdose among Medicaid enrollees finds subpopulations with varying levels of risk, with repeated overdoses outnumbering overdoses among new prescription opioid users.
A study highlighting episodic memory and decision making finds that individual differences in decision making are driven by episodic memory function, and that a deteriorating medial temporal lobe may impact the ability to delay gratification.
The assistant professor of systems pharmacology and translational therapeutics, who studied with Carl June as a postdoctoral fellow, combines his two research passions—gene therapy and investigating ‘little known’ biology—in the pursuit of new knowledge.
A Penn Medicine study shows that patients receiving messages from a chatbot used a third fewer opioids after fracture surgery, and their overall pain level fell as well.
Stephen Cole of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that indoor cats are contracting bird flu through raw pet foods of poultry origin or raw milk products.
Henry Kranzler of the Perelman School of Medicine says that alcohol’s effects on the brain are observed more readily because it’s the organ of behavior.
Aaron Richterman of the Perelman School of Medicine says that there are large and underappreciated benefits of cash-transfer programs, such as potentially ending a tuberculosis epidemic.
Drew Weissman and Scott Hensley of the Perelman School of Medicine are testing a vaccine to prevent a strain of H5N1 bird flu in chickens and cattle.
A paper co-authored by PIK Professor Shelley Berger finds that patterns of “speckles” in the heart of tumor cells could help predict how patients with a common form of kidney cancer will respond to treatment options.