Health Sciences

Twitter Chatter Predicts Health Insurance Marketplace Enrollment, Penn Study Shows

An increase in Twitter sentiment (the positivity or negativity of tweets) is associated with an increase in state-level enrollment in the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) health insurance marketplaces — a phenomenon that points to use of the social media platform as a real-time gauge of public opinion and provides a way for marketplaces to quickly identify enrollment changes and emerging issues.

Anna Duerr

Penn Medicine: Gorilla Origins of the Last Two AIDS Virus Lineages Confirmed

Two of the four known groups of human AIDS viruses (HIV-1 groups O and P) have originated in western lowland gorillas, according to an international team of scientists from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Montpellier, the University of Edinburgh, and others.

Karen Kreeger

Prescription Drug-Induced Liver Failure is Uncommon; Over-the-Counter Medications and Dietary/Herbal Supplements are Most Common Causes, Penn Study Finds

Drug-induced acute liver failure is uncommon, and over-the-counter medications and dietary and herbal supplements -- not prescription drugs -- are its most common causes, according to new research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The findings are published in the current issue of Gastroenterology.

Lee-Ann Donegan

Successful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Youth Leads to Decreased Thinking about Suicide, Penn Medicine Study Finds

Penn Medicine researchers found that patients who did not respond to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety in childhood had more chronic and enduring patterns of suicidal ideation at 7 to 19 years after treatment. This study adds to the literature that suggests that successful CBT for childhood anxiety confers long-term benefits. The complete study is available in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Lee-Ann Donegan

Penn Vet Researchers Identify Effective Treatment for Niemann Pick Type C

Niemann Pick Disease type C, or NPC, is a disease most people have never heard of, affecting just one person in 150,000. Yet the disease is a devastating one. Frequently diagnosed in children in their elementary school years, sufferers usually die by the time they’re 20.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Penn Medicine Physician Finds No Preventive Benefits for Widely Used Kidney Cancer Drugs

Two widely used targeted therapy drugs— approved by the FDA for use in metastatic kidney cancer —are no more effective than a placebo in preventing return of the disease to increase life spans of patients suffering from advanced kidney cancer after surgery, according to new results to be presented by a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania’s 

Steve Graff

Penn Medicine Study Describes Development of Personalized Cellular Therapy for Brain Cancer

Immune cells engineered to seek out and attack a type of deadly brain cancer were found to be both safe and effective at controlling tumor growth in mice that were treated with these modified cells, according to a study published in Science Translational Medicine by a team from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsy

Holly Auer

In the News

Irish News

Seven unusual sleep hacks to help you drift off peacefully—we speak to a sleep expert about how to get a good night’s rest

A study from the Perelman School of Medicine found that participants who practiced paradoxical intention experienced significantly reduced sleep anxiety.


Yahoo! Life

More yogurt and nuts, less alcohol and snack foods: How GLP-1 medications like Ozempic are influencing people’s food spending habits

Carrie Burns of the Perelman School of Medicine says that weight-loss medications tend to decrease cravings for foods high in sugar and fat.


WESA Radio (Pittsburgh)

Migratory birds mainly responsible for bird flu outbreak, experts tell Pa. lawmakers

Louise Moncla of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that avian flu viruses are being spread far geographically because of wild migratory birds.


Huffington Post

Thirteen subtle changes veterinarians would never ignore in their cats

Kaitlyn Krebs of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that cats can indicate illness through behavioral changes such as hiding or spending time in unusual places.


Times of India

Drinking two beers daily ages the brain by 10 years; study reveals surprising findings

A study by Penn researchers found that one to two units of alcohol per day shrunk overall brain volume and gray matter volumes.