Health Sciences

Growing Plants to Save Lives

Tucked behind old factory buildings on Penn’s South Bank campus stands a gleaming greenhouse. The $2 million structure, completed late last year, is state-of-the-art.

Penn Medicine: New Cell Models for Tracking Body Clock Gene Function will Help Find Novel Meds

The consequences of modern life -- shift work, cell phone addiction, and travel across time zones -- all disturb internal clocks. These are found in the brain where they regulate sleep and throughout the body where they regulate physiology and metabolism. Disrupting the clocks is called circadian misalignment, which has been linked to metabolic problems, even in healthy volunteers.

Karen Kreeger

In the News

Good Housekeeping

Is This Viral Trend Really the Ultimate Cure for Bloat?

Anish A. Sheth of the Perelman School of Medicine says there’s no medical evidence that topical castor oil has any medically therapeutic benefits.



Children, teens face 25% higher risk for adverse GI outcomes after COVID-19 infection

According to a study by Ph.D. student Dazheng Zhang of the Perelman School of Medicine and colleagues, children and adolescents experienced increased risk for gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders after COVID-19 infections.


CBS News

Pennsylvania doctors reflect on COVID-19 pandemic 5 years later

Raina Merchant of the Perelman School of Medicine says that Penn Medicine had to be nimble during the COVID-19 pandemic to respond to many changes in information and optimize care for patients.


Huffington Post

13 changes veterinarians would never ignore in their dogs

Katie Krebs of the School of Veterinary Medicine offers advice on observing breathing problems in cats and dogs.


The New York Times

Mutated DNA restored to normal in gene therapy advance

Kiran Musunuru of the Perelman School of Medicine says that a new infusion offers the hope of precisely treating other genetic diseases by fixing mutations, an alternative to current gene therapies.