Health Sciences

Penn Study: Hospital CPR Quality Is Worse at Night

CHICAGO -- CPR quality is worse during in-hospital cardiac arrests occurring overnight than those that happen during the day, according to a new University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine study that will be presented at the American Heart Association's annual Scientific Sessions on November 14.

Holly Auer

Breast Cancer Survivors Often Rate Post-Treatment Breast Appearance Only “Fair”

SAN DIEGO -- A third of breast cancer survivors who received the breast-conserving treatments lumpectomy and radiation rate the appearance of their post-treatment breast as only “fair” or “poor” in comparison to their untreated breast, according to a new University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine study that will be presented today at the 52nd Annual M

Holly Auer

In the News

CBS News

Pennsylvania doctors reflect on COVID-19 pandemic 5 years later

Raina Merchant of the Perelman School of Medicine says that Penn Medicine had to be nimble during the COVID-19 pandemic to respond to many changes in information and optimize care for patients.


Good Housekeeping

Is This Viral Trend Really the Ultimate Cure for Bloat?

Anish A. Sheth of the Perelman School of Medicine says there’s no medical evidence that topical castor oil has any medically therapeutic benefits.



Children, teens face 25% higher risk for adverse GI outcomes after COVID-19 infection

According to a study by Ph.D. student Dazheng Zhang of the Perelman School of Medicine and colleagues, children and adolescents experienced increased risk for gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders after COVID-19 infections.



Consider cost-effectiveness of treatment when managing glaucoma

Lama Al-Aswad of the Perelman School of Medicine says that glaucoma should be diagnosed early to decrease the cost to health care, help patients, and prevent blindness.


Huffington Post

13 changes veterinarians would never ignore in their dogs

Katie Krebs of the School of Veterinary Medicine offers advice on observing breathing problems in cats and dogs.