Hoppy days are here again

Fans of malt and hops rejoice: world-famous beer and Scotch whisky maven Michael Jackson returns to the University of Pennsylvania Museum for two special Food Network Book and the Cook events on March 27 and 28. Friday evening's "Old Casks, Old Scotch" dinner features a variety of single-malt scotches personally selected by Jackson, along with foods picked to complement them prepared by the Museum Catering Company. Jackson will provide running commentary, and guests will also receive a free copy of Jackson's "Guide to Single Malt Scotches." On Saturday, Jackson will preside over the Museum's annual beer tasting, whose theme this year is "From Taverns to Brewpubs." John Cotter, curator emeritus of the Museum's Historical Archaeology Section, will speak on the history of beer in early America, followed by a tutored tasting of historical American beers led by Jackson. Afterwards, guests can sample over 100 microbrews from around the world at an informal tasting and buffet in the Chinese Rotunda.

  • OLD CASKS, OLD SCOTCH: 7 p.m. Friday, March 27 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum, 33rd and Spruce streets. Tickets $90/person, $160/couple; Museum members $80/person, $140/couple. Registration: Museum Special Events Office, 898-4890.
  • FROM TAVERNS TO BREWPUBS: Tastings at 12:30, 3 and 5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 28 at the Museum. Tickets $30, Museum members $25. Tickets: Annenberg Center box office, 898-6791.

Attendees to either event must be 21 or older; ID may be requested.
