Schieber honored

Wharton doctoral student Shannon Schieber, whose tragic death last spring shocked the Penn community, has been honored by the Wharton School with a special scholarship and a research fund in her name.

The Shannon Schieber Memorial Doctoral Scholarship is awarded annually to a promising female student entering her second year in the Wharton doctoral program. The first recipient, doctoral marketing student Susan Hogan, has an extraodinary record of achievement and community service, including volunteering in Philadelphia for Bookworms, a nonprofit literacy group for disadvantaged children.

The Shannon Schieber Memorial Doctoral Research Fund, set up by Watson Wyatt and Company, and friends of Shannon Schieber, helps support insurance and risk management doctoral student research.

"These awards help faculty and students remember some of the things that Shannon and her family exemplified: commitment to community, excellence in academia and dedication to research," said Olivia Mitchell, Ph.D., Schieber's advisor and faculty mentor.

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