Where are the Franklin Field food trucks?
Dear Benny,
What happened to all of the food trucks in the food plaza at the corner of 33rd and South by Franklin Field? Is the University going to let new or previously displaced trucks occupy the spaces?
—Hungry on the East Side
Dear Hungry,
I spoke with Bob Kupsch, property manager for UCA Trammell Crow, which manages Penn’s commercial property, and he told me that the trucks all went out of business of their own accord.
Some of the trucks called it quits after family tragedies made it difficult for the owners to continue in business. The operator of the Middle Eastern cart on the site, Jasper Bolla, sold his cart to another operator. And Scott Goldstein decided to switch from selling vegetarian food to pushing fresh produce.
Since the city Department of Licenses and Inspections currently has vending spots available along Spruce Street from 34th to 38th and 38th Street from Chestnut to Walnut, Penn does not plan to recruit new vendors to the Franklin Field food vendor plaza. Kupsch tells me, though, that the nearby cart area across 34th from the main entrance to the Hospital is chock-full of vendors, so you might want to try there.
Dear Benny,
How many historical markers are there on the campus?
—History Buff
Dear Buff,
The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, which erects state historical markers, lists two on campus—one honoring ENIAC in front of the Moore School building at 33rd and Walnut streets and one about the Penn Relays in front of the west entrance to Franklin Field.
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