Hail to 28 who broke the mold
The University has selected 13 employees as 2002 Models of Excellence Award winners for work above and beyond job expectations that made a significant contribution to the University. An additional 15 staff members will receive honorable mentions, the president, provost and executive vice president of the University announced. The awards, to be presented in April, were first introduced by Human Resources in 1999 in honor of people who cut through red tape, showed leadership and thought out of the box, to make things happen.
- Patrick J. Carroll, Ph.D., director, X-Ray Facility, Department of Chemistry for development of hardware and software applications that revolutionized X-ray crystal structure analysis and reporting, dramatically enhancing research activities in the Department of Chemistry.
- Members of the Penn Animal Blood Bank Nursing Team Wendy L. Hatchett, Kym Marryott, and Donna Oakley, in the School of Veterinary Medicine, for designing and implementing a volunteer canine blood-donor program that overcomes significant challenges in the field of veterinary medicine.
- Public Safety’s Michael J. Fink, Deputy Chief of Operations, and Lt. Gary Heller, Commanding Officer, Accreditation and Training Unit, whose leadership in upgrading directives, policies, procedures and training enabled the Penn Police to become the first campus law enforcement agency in Pennsylvania to attain national accreditation.
- For applying vision in building on existing billing software to develop a cost-effective, user-friendly, web-based student tuition management system that serves the diverse needs of our University environment, the members of the Student Financial Services (SFS) “eBill” Team in Information and Computing Systems: Dennis Dean, project leader; Regina Koch, director, Systems Development; Michael Merritt, senior director, administrative support; Robert Tisot, assistant director, Systems; and Berthilla Wiscount, financial counselor; also, from ISC, Yan Teresh, senior programmer analyst, and Estha Venter, senior programmer.
Honorable mention
Angela Iorianni-Cimbak, director, Mathias J. Brunner Instructional Technology Center, School of Nursing, for directing the transformation of the nursing instructional center to a cutting-edge, interactive training laboratory.
Members of the Penn Children’s Center Transition Team for managing the welfare of the center’s students and their parents during a tumultuous time of moves to multiple interim sites and finally to a new facility: Denise Brooks, pre-school assistant teacher; Anjali Chawla, director; Diane Coleman, assistant teacher; Elizabeth Gillard, administrative assistant; Frances Jackson, infant teacher; Rita Kelly, toddler assistant teacher; Dawn Klemash, pre-school teacher; Constance Lydon, toddler teacher; Marie Moses, infant assistant teacher; Chris Russell-Jordan, infant assistant teacher; and Marie Witt, associate vice president, Business Services.
For developing a central administrative team to support multiple School of Arts and Sciences departments, considering cost restraints, and skills of each on the team, the members of the SAS Regional Office Team: Maryellen Cook Malek, departmental administrator, Music Department; Miriam Mann Guerrero, manager, Administration and Finance, Bennett Hall Business Administration Services; and Elyse Saladoff, Business Administrator, Bennett Hall Business Administration Services.