Campus Buzz
De Lux events: The long-awaited Nov. 8 opening of The Bridge: Cinema De Lux, the new six-screen cinema at 40th and Walnut streets, will be bracketed by two special events. Thursday, Nov. 7, Penn students’ six favorite films of all time, as chosen by vote, will be shown continuously from 10 a.m. to midnight (free admission with your PennCard). Free showings of Disney films for children will take place on Saturday morning, Nov. 9 (admission free with coupons from the Philadelphia Daily News). Along with the cinema comes a new café, the “12 Lounge.” The café will have its own entrance, and it will be open from 7 a.m. to midnight, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a full bar.
Grab a cup o’joe and hit the books: So just how studious a bunch are our students? According to the folks at Cosí, operator of the coffee shop and café at University Square (see “Out and About”), they’re real bookworms. According to their corporate Web site, a recent poll of customers ranks Penn students as the hardest-studying bunch among the seven campuses served by the chain (the others are Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State and Yale).
Stress buster: There’s another option on campus for those looking to build a better body while releasing the stress of everyday life. Power Yoga Works, which opened this month at 3925 Walnut St., offers instruction in Baptiste-style power yoga, which combines deep breathing with specifically-sequenced sets of flowing yoga postures to build strength, increase endurance and release tension. Founder-owner-instructor Bill Raup has been personally trained and certified by Baron Baptiste. Instructional fees are $10 per class, or $8 with a student ID. For more info, visit or call 215-243-9642.
In the mood to volunteer? The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is looking for women to volunteer for a study that will examine the long-term effectiveness of antidepressants in treating severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder. The department has other studies available as well. For information or to volunteer, call 215-662-3329 or 1-800-662-4487.
Penn in ink: America hasn’t been the same since Sept. 11, but its journalists haven’t changed much, if at all. An op-ed essay by Associate Professor of Communications Barbie Zelizer in the Oct. 17 Newsday (Long Island, N.Y.) argued that the Oct. 13 explosion in Bali that killed more than 200 people, mostly Australians, got the same sort of indifferent coverage U.S. reporters give foreign events until the Bush Administration connected the dots to al-Qaeda—this despite post-9/11 calls for a “different kind of coverage” of worldwide terror and violence. “In a post-Sept. 11 era, it remains curious that the news we get and don’t get often has less to do with Indonesia, Australia or Southeast Asia than with ourselves,” Zelizer wrote.