New year, new you (or not)

With the new year also come those dreaded resolutions. Seems like almost everyone wants the same things—a smaller waistline and less stress. But don’t count on everyone to have a list. Some staffers are happy with themselves just the way they are.

Research Assistant, Women’s Studies

“My new year’s resolutions are to finish my dissertation and find a non-academic job, and buy an apartment. I am still on the right path.”

Administrative Coordinator, Linguistics

“I walk from my home to 69th Street twice a week, which is about 2 miles. I haven’t broken it yet.”

Administrative Assistant, Urban Studies Program

“My new year’s resolution is to graduate on time; this year I am a senior. Today, I found out that I had more credits than I needed, so I am on my way. Another resolution I had was to be more outgoing and participate more in campus activities.”

Research Assistant, Romance Languages

“I decided that I wasn’t going to steal candy from the Freshgrocer anymore. And I did.”

GERALD PRINCE a.k.a. The French Prince of Bel Air
Professor of Romance Languages

“I did not make any resolution, and I didn’t break it.”

Clerk, McNeil Business Office

“My new year’s resolution was to eat better and exercise. However, I really want to go back to school and get a degree in Psychology. I am doing really good so far—two out of three.”

Administrative Assistant, Romance Languages

“I recorded everyone doing theirs [on camera], and I decided, ‘Why do one of my own? Because I’m going to break it anyway, because it has to do with weight.’”

Research Associate/Visiting Professor, Sociology

“My resolutions for 2003 and the next years are: not to stress myself at all, accomplish my goal in research, make more friends, and push myself to improve my English writing skills. Above all, I want to have good health. So far, I did not break them yet. I am going to accomplish this by living the moment.”

Clerk, Demography Library

“My new year’s resolutions are not to make any. I don’t keep them anyways so why make them?”

—Eden Lin and Wei Ming Yen Dorado

NEXT ISSUE’S QUESTION: For all you singles out there, how can you make Valentine’s Day your special day too? Got an answer? Email us at or call 215-898-1426.