Far from Florida

For many Penn staffers, a change in the weather doesn’t mean a break in routine. Many of you are still hard at work while students are sunning themselves in Ft. Lauderdale. Still, some of you find time for some R&R, even though it may not include hopping on the plane to some exotic locale. Here’s what you told the Current when we asked, Penn students get a Spring Break, do you take time to make one?

Coordinator, Sociology

“No, I don’t. I go straight through until June then straight through September.”

Department Administrator, Sociology

“There are no breaks in Spring Break for staff, it is an opportunity for us to catch up with the vast amount of work that has accumulated over the semester.”

Administrative Assistant, McNeil Business Office

“The only time I really take off is in December; when it gets cold I go some place warm.”

Lecturer, Economics

“I take breaks more than other weeks; I also sleep more, watch more movies and go out more.”

Visiting Researcher, Economics

“Spring Break doesn’t affect my working time allocation, the only difference is that there are no seminars taking place.”

Coordinator, Penn Program for Public Service

“Honestly, I haven’t really decided yet, but I don’t think so. The Urban Nutrition Initiative is planning a site visit to a replication site in New Mexico, so that’s very alluring. But I’m not sure if I have time.”

Business Administrator, Center for Community Partnerships

“Do I have time to? Yes. Am I going to? No. I’m buying a house. So, actually, yes, I’ll be taking two weeks.”

Administrative Assistant, Penn Program for Public Service

“No, because I take my vacations in the summer.”

Collections Manager/Undergraduate Coordinator, Earth & Environmental Science

“Yes, I do, but in a non-traditional way. Work is less hectic with the students away and that allows me time to focus on the simpler things in life—like playing checkers with trilobites and deciding on the best way for me to become fossilized myself one day! Oh yeah, catching up on work too.”

—Wei Ming Yen Dorado and Eden Lin

NEXT ISSUE’S QUESTION: Who do you think should win in one or more of the big categories of the Oscars? Got an answer? Email us at current@pobox.upenn.edu or call 215-898-1426.