Make your voice heard

Here at the Penn Current, our goal is to publish an interesting, insightful and useful publication that Penn faculty and staff will enjoy reading.

Over the past few months, we’ve been making changes—large and small—with that goal in mind. Whether it’s been new layouts or new features, changes in our coverage or the elimination of less-than-exciting content, we’ve been working to make the Current better than it’s ever been.

But we know our opinions of what the Current should be aren’t the ones that really matter. It’s you, the reader, we aim to please—so we need to know what you think.

We’ve done surveys in the past, and the information from those polls was helpful. But surveys are mathematical tools, not personal ones, and we think the time has come to sit down and talk with our readers. So we’re organizing a focus group that, we hope, will give us a new level of insight into what you like and don’t like, use and don’t use, in each edition of the Current. This group will offer you an opportunity to speak your mind on a newspaper that is, after all, intended for your entertainment. If you would be interested in participating in the Current focus group, please contact us at 215-898-1423, or send an email to And keep an eye on future editions of the Current for more information.

Thanks for reading. We look forward to hearing from you.