Lisbeth Dennis

WHO SHE IS: Jewish Student Life Coordinator, Penn Hillel at Steinhardt Hall

TIME AT PENN: Two months

WHAT SHE DOES: Dennis helps students with Jewish programming, from Holocaust education to social events like Hannukah parties. A lot of what Hillel does is very student focused so students come to us and we assist them, says Dennis. My job is as busy as the students make it.

WHY IT'S NOT 9 TO 5: Because it's student-driven, and they seem to wake up after 5 p.m. Also, a lot of meetings and events take place in the evening and on weekends and I really try to take an active role in being part of that.

WHY SHE LIKES IT ANYWAY: Before, I worked with Holocaust survivors in New York City. That was very rewarding but this is a little more life affirming.

Lisbeth Dennis