Going, going, gone
What exactly is formalism now? A new exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Art attempts to address that very question in “Gone Formalism,” which runs from Jan. 21 through March 26. This show features work by six artists interested in the idea of form, including painter Mark Grotjahn, papier-mâché and found-object sculptor Jessica Jackson Hutchins and Charles Long, whose work (at right) takes its inspiration and materials from the Los Angeles River.
Also opening at the ICA is a site-specific exhibition titled “Holiday Home,” by architects Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos; work by Brian Tolle in celebration of Ben Franklin’s 300th birthday; and a large-sized wall painting by Ingrid Calame. For information on all upcoming events and exhibitions at the ICA call 215-898-5911 or go to the web site at www.icaphila.org.