John MacDermott
WHO HE IS: Director for Instructional Technology, SAS Computing
YEARS AT PENN: 18, on and off.
WHAT HE DOES: MacDermott oversees computing support for several humanities departments, but his specialty is “instructional uses of technology.” That means supervising the computer labs, helping with online instruction and overseeing support for users of Blackboard, an online course management system.
IN THE CLASSROOM: MacDermott and his team provide end-user support in the 100-plus classrooms with installed technology systems, such as those in the recently revamped Fisher Bennett Hall. Recently he’s been busy getting all the high-tech stuff ready to go in Van Pelt’s new Weigle Information Commons.
WHY HE LIKES PENN: “It’s great to work in an environment where you’re surrounded by smart people. It’s something not to be taken for granted.”