News briefs
Just shoot me
This year HR’s flu shot program will run Nov 9, 10 and 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The shots will be administered at SEAS, Wharton and the School of Nursing. Pre-registration is required (go to and remember to bring $22 in cash, your PennCard and your registration confirmation sheet. Questions? Contact Suzanne Smith in HR at 215-898-5116 or
Leventhal steps down
Richard Leventhal, the Williams Director of Penn Museum has announced he will step down from the directorship effective Nov. 1. Leventhal will continue as a tenured faculty member in the School of Arts and Sciences, will be a curator in the Museum and will launch a new initiative within the Museum focusing on national and international issues of cultural heritage and cultural property preservation.
Wilma welcome
The Platt Student Performing Arts House (in Stouffer Commons) and the Wilma Theater have gotten together to offer “Penn Nights at the Wilma!” One Friday night of each production this season a limited number of seats will be held for the Penn community. Student tickets will be half off, while faculty, staff and alumni tickets will be $5 off. The next Penn Night happens Dec. 8 during the Wilma’s run of Athol Fugard’s “My Children! My Africa.” Price includes pre-show pizza party with dramaturg or director and an intermission cookie/beverage reception. For more information call 215-546-7824.
Express yourself
The Saturn Club Café and Gallery at 3426 Sansom Street has announced a writing contest. Prizes include $100 cash and $100 and $50 gift certificates to the Saturn Club. All you have to do is choose one of the six paintings currently hanging on the walls of the cafe and write either a poem or two to five paragraphs responding to the work in any creative style or genre. Deadline is Nov. 3, with a prize brunch set for Nov. 5 at 11 a.m. For more information, call 215-387-8981.