Penn on the Web

We’ve searched every cyber nook and virtual cranny of the web to find Penn mentions, contributions and attractions. Here are some of the University community’s most interesting online attractions.

It’s not often that a blog combines scholarly law with evangelical Protestantism. Enter Penn Law Professor David Skeel’s blog, “Less than the Least.” Alongside colleague William Stuntz, a law professor at Harvard, Skeel pens insights on both the secular and the spiritual. Whether he’s reflecting on a church service he happened upon in Milan, or on President Obama’s stance on big banks, Skeel keeps it fresh. If you, like many Americans, have lost your faith in the economy, visit Skeel’s blog at

As part of a recent Q&A feature on The New York Times’ “The Choice” higher-ed blog, Marybeth Gasman, associate professor in the Graduate School of Education, alongside Walter Kimbrough, president of Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Ark., answered readers’ questions about Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Addressing basic inquiries from readers unfamiliar with HBCUs, as well as more advanced questions from prospective applicants, Gasman provided a wealth of perspective. See her comments at, by searching “Answers on Historically Black Colleges and Universities.”

School of Design student Young-Hwan Choi’s award-winning design for new urban walkway shelters in Manhattan was highlighted in the Feb. 18 issue of the Current, and now you can read what Philadelphia Inquirer architecture critic Inga Saffron had to say about him in her column, “Changing Skyline.” She details the Penn architecture student’s quick rise to fame and how he’d scarcely walked the sidewalks of the Big Apple when he entered the competition to redesign the sheds that protected them. Choi, who was introduced by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at the award ceremony, calls his award-winning design the Urban Umbrella, “because the steel columns open up like the bones of an umbrella to support the shed roof.” Read more at, by searching the keywords, “Changing Skyline: An umbrella for pedestrians.”

For students at Penn, the Career Services center isn’t just an office full of brochures; it’s a global, interactive experience. On its blog, “Penn and Beyond,” the Center plays host to its students’ most fascinating career stories, offering a mixture of smart job, internship and grad school advice and hands-on commentary from people in the trenches. Alumna Maura Connell C’08 guest blogs about her job in Qatar, an adventurous career move precipitated by her experiences studying abroad as a Penn undergrad. She offers a valuable career trajectory model to students who might be seeking guidance. Check it out at

Penn’s trailblazing effort to recruit more Spanish-speaking applicants was recently highlighted in an Associated Press article. Penn was cited as a leader in the field for offering applicant literature and seminars for prospective parents in Spanish. Dean of Admissions Eric Furda discusses the initiatives in more detail in the article. To read the story, put the keywords “U.S. colleges court Hispanic families using Español” into any search engine.

David Thornburgh, executive director of the Fels Institute of Government, knows a thing or two about the public sector. In his blog, “P3: Public Practice and Possibility,” Thornburgh draws from his KYW Radio commentaries to offer concise observations on both regional and national issues affecting the public sphere. Will table gaming take hold in Philadelphia? How has the federal stimulus package impacted the private citizen? And what does the movie “Groundhog Day” have to do with any of this? To find out, head to
