Turn your passion into action with Penn’s Way
Whether ending hunger is your concern, or increasing educational opportunities for West Philadelphia children is your passion, the Penn’s Way campaign gives faculty and staff a way to turn interest into action.
For six consecutive years, the University and Penn Medicine have teamed up to run the workplace charitable-giving initiative that gives employees the opportunity to make a difference in the community.
This year’s goal is to raise $1.35 million. Last year, the campaign exceeded its $1.3 million goal, raising a record-setting $1.45 million. Donations for the 2012 campaign now stand at $1.175 million. The campaign runs through Friday, Nov. 18.
Maureen Rush, vice president of the Division of Public Safety, and Susan E. Phillips, senior vice president for public affairs at the Health System, are the 2012 Penn’s Way co-chairs.
“By giving to Penn’s Way, employees can be assured that their donations will make a meaningful difference in the lives of our neighbors who are most at need,” Rush says.
Penn’s Way donations are directed to three organizations—The Center for Responsible Funding, Penn Medicine and United Way—that funnel the contributions to various charitable agencies. Donors can select the organizations to which they wish to contribute. Employees can choose to make a one-time donation or have a pre-set amount deducted from their weekly or monthly paychecks.
“No matter the size of your donation, your contribution to Penn’s Way can help provide vital services to the most vulnerable populations in our community,” says Phillips.
To donate, visit www.upenn.edu/pennsway.