SEAS partnerships to increase STEM proficiency
Increasing the nation’s proficiency in STEM fields—science, technology, engineering and math—is one of President Obama’s top educational goals. He has made it clear that more bright young students should be entering the pipeline to become working scientists and engineers, and has called on educational institutions to help meet this challenge.
The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) recently took another step toward that goal with a pair of new academic agreements. Called the “Four Plus One” partnerships, the plans allow students from Haverford College and Bryn Mawr College to gain early acceptance into the Penn Engineering master’s programs and complete the programs with one additional year of study, after finishing their undergraduate degrees.
In separate signing ceremonies, SEAS Dean Eduardo Glandt met with Linda Bell, provost of Haverford, and Kim Cassidy, provost of Bryn Mawr, to finalize the partnerships.
“Penn Engineering is excited to work with our colleagues at Haverford and Bryn Mawr in offering this new program,” Glandt says. “We are always searching for ways to expand access to our excellent engineering education and are looking forward to welcoming our first class of participants.”
After their sophomore year, Haverford and Bryn Mawr students with the necessary backgrounds, majors, and a strong academic record may apply to a master’s program at Penn Engineering via this new program.
As part of the Quaker Consortium, students at both schools may already take classes at Penn that count toward their undergraduate degrees at no additional cost. The Four Plus One program expands on that relationship by also allowing participating students to take graduate-level courses that will count towards their prospective master’s degree work in engineering.
Penn Engineering expects to enroll the first participants for the upcoming fall semester.