Green thinking
The Penn Green Campus Partnership has awarded five more Green Fund grants to projects that range from a comprehensive recycling center to water conservation.
An initiative of Penn’s Green Campus Partnership, funded by the Division of Facilities and Real Estate Services, the Green Fund was designed to seed innovative ideas generated by Penn students, faculty, and staff with one-time grants of as much as $50,000. This latest round of grants brings the total number of Green Fund projects to 41.
The newly funded projects include the purchase of an electric vehicle that will serve as a pilot for future additions to the School of Arts and Sciences’ fleet; a hand-dryer comparison project at Ware College House; a state-of-the-art recycling center at the School of Engineering and Applied Science that will provide areas to recycle compact fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs, ink and toner cartridges, hardcover books and bound materials, electronic waste, pens and markers, batteries, magazines, and used paper towel composting; the use of digital shower timers in two college houses to encourage water conservation; and the purchase of new equipment to enhance Housekeeping’s green cleaning efforts.