Coursera proposals
Provost Vincent Price and Edward Rock, director of open learning initiatives, announce a new round of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to be offered through the University’s partnership with Coursera. Faculty members from any school are invited to submit proposals for courses to be taught in the fall of 2013 or spring of 2014. The course may be 14 weeks long or shorter, and may either resemble an existing class or be entirely new. The proposed course may be taught individually or jointly with another faculty member.
The Office of the Provost, in partnership with the relevant school, will provide funding for the development of new courses. Support may be available for course-related expenses, including faculty preparation time, teaching assistance, videotaping, copyright licensing, and production costs. For information on submitting proposals, go to
Proposals must have the signature of each faculty member’s department chair and be submitted by email to the Office of Open Learning Initiatives at no later than Friday, May 31. Additional information about Coursera and open learning at Penn is available at: For additional information about Center for Teaching & Learning resources, visit