College admissions 101 for Penn families

Dear Benny,

I remember hearing somewhere that employees of Penn can get advice for their college-bound high school-age children from the University’s undergraduate admissions office. Is this true? And if so, is this program still around?
—Concerned about college

Dear College,
Yes, you and your college-bound child are in luck: Penn Admissions is offering a college search seminar for Penn faculty and staff and their families on Monday, June 17. There will be a supplemental program in August.

The college application process can be overwhelming for students and their parents, between deciding where to apply and what to do to properly prepare. Penn Admissions officers will be on hand at the event to help answer all sorts of questions about the college search and admissions process, including courses that are important to take while in high school, and the significance of good grades, extracurricular activities, essays, high test scores, and interviews.

In addition, the Penn Admissions officers will advise prospective students about what they should look for in a college.

Students and their families can attend the seminar, whether the students plan to attend Penn or another university. There will also be age group break-out sessions at the seminar.

The event is free and runs from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. in Room G-17, Claudia Cohen Hall, 249 S. 36th St.

Attendees should RSVP to: and include the Penn faculty or staff member’s name, how many people will attend the seminar, the student’s name and high school, and expected year of graduation.

If faculty or staff and their children are unable to attend the June event, they can send the faculty or staff member’s name, number of attendees, and the student’s name, high school, and graduation year to: and request an invitation to the August program.