Football, food, and fun at Penn Family Day
Bring friends and family to campus next month to enjoy lots of free food, football, and fun at this year’s annual Penn Family Day.
The Division of Human Resources (HR) and Penn Athletics have teamed up again to provide free programming on Saturday, Oct. 26, for all full- and part-time staff, faculty, and post-doctoral fellows.
“It’s just one of those fun, easy kind of days where you can get out and enjoy a crisp, fall day,” says Pat Zebley, event coordinator for Penn Family Day.
Marilyn Kraut, director of HR’s Quality of Worklife programs, says Penn Family Day, now in its 21st year, began simply as a venue for faculty and staff to attend a football game and eat lunch together, but has since evolved to include much more.
In addition to Penn Family Day’s flagship tailgate party and football game, faculty and staff can also introduce family and friends to Penn at women’s field hockey, women’s soccer, and men’s soccer games, centennial Sphinx celebration activities and exhibits at the Penn Museum, and a special Penn Family Day skate at the Penn Ice Rink.
The tailgate party will kick off at 11:30 a.m. on the north side of Franklin Field, featuring adult- and kid-friendly games, music and activities, as well as lunch catered by Bon Appétit. Kid-size and vegetarian options will be available. Afterward, join fellow fans in cheering on the Quakers as they face off against Yale at 1 p.m. at Franklin Field.
Tickets are required for the tailgate party and football game. Four free tickets are available for all faculty and staff, with additional tickets available for $8 each. Interested faculty and staff must order their tickets (as well as their lunch preference) by Wednesday, Oct. 16, via the Penn Athletics website, or in person at the Athletic Ticket Office in Weightman Hall.
All other athletic events and Penn Museum Family Day activities are free for faculty and staff with a PennCard and their guests. The Family Day skate at Penn Ice Rink will cost $3.50 to skate and $3 skate rentals with a PennCard.
Free parking will be available for attendees with a PennCard at the Penn Museum lot at South Street and Convention Boulevard, and Chestnut 34 lot at 34th and Chestnut streets.
For a full schedule of events and more information, visit the HR website.