People of Penn
People make Penn go ’round. Toddlers, teenagers, and young adults. Twenty-somethings, 30-somethings, and 40- and 50-plus. Sexagenarians, septuagenarians, octogenarians, and maybe even more. The “Greatest” Generation, the Silent Generation, and those that came before. Baby Boomers, Generation X-ers, and Millennials. Students, faculty, and staff.
People who think, study, create, build, support, give, advise, care, protect, serve, and people who make other people.
Like the Earth without the sun, Penn without people would be a lifeless, dark, and derelict place.
“People of Penn” is a Current multimedia project highlighting only a modicum of the diverse members of University faculty and staff in his or her work space. Each acts as one of the tens of thousands of beats to Penn’s everpumping heart and centuries-old soul. They are, in part, police officers, doctors, curators, biologists, clinicians, and fabricators. Check out the entire feature at the "People of Penn" webpage.
Each is unique in his or her own right, and together they make us whole. Me, we.