Expert Comment on Adoption by Same-Sex Couples

Richard Gelles, dean of Penn School of Social Policy and Practice, is an expert on adoption and is the author of the federal Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997.  He can comment for stories resulting from the new report by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute on adoptions by same-sex couples and on stories related to opposition to the report.

"Discrimination based on sexual orientation overlooks the needs of children.  It seems a shame that the needs of kids always seem to come in second to prevailing ideologies and prejudices," Dr. Gelles says.    

"As a social scientist, I know of no data indicating that gay couples would be less loving or effective parents than heterosexual couples or single individuals who are allowed to adopt children.  There are 100,000 children in foster care who are awaiting adoption.  Of this number, only some 40,000 will be adopted this year."