Fels Institute at Penn Publishes New Book by Pa. State Rep. Dwight Evans
The Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania has published a new book by Pennsylvania State Rep. Dwight Evans
“Making Ideas Matter: My Life as a Policy Entrepreneur” is described as “a primer for students of policy, political junkies, lovers of history and those who think that public service is a noble calling.”
David Thornburgh, executive director of the Fels Institute, encouraged Evans to write the book, one of the few such efforts by a sitting Pennsylvania legislator in recent memory.
“For those like us at Fels, who try to inspire and educate future public leaders,” Thornburgh said, “there are not enough published stories like this one.”
In “Making Ideas Matter,” Evans weaves an honest, thoughtful tale about politics, policy and government from his days as a freshman representative through his rise to Democratic Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and beyond.
He wrote the book with Pulitzer Prize-winner, journalist William Ecenbarger.
At Penn, Evans has served as a judge of the Fels Institute’s annual Public Policy Challenge. Proceeds from sales of the book will benefit the Fels Institute.