Global Economic Crisis Topic of Peter Orszag Talk at Penn March 28
WHO: Peter Orszag
Citigroup vice chairman of corporate and investment banking and former director of the White House Office of Budget and Management
WHAT: "Possibilities and Perils: The Future of Economic Policy," Social Science and Policy Forum
WHEN: Thursday, March 28, 5-6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Annenberg School for Communication, Room 110, 3620 Walnut St.
In the wake of the financial crisis, Great Recession and sluggish recovery, good federal policy can help rebuild the American economy and make it both more stable and equitable. Misguided policy could take the nation down a very different road. In an era of divided government and political brinksmanship, many sensible policies don't get the public airing they deserve. Peter Orszag, will discuss the options facing economic policy makers with a focus on the potential impact of federal budget cuts.
The lecture is part of the University of Pennsylvania’s Social Science and Policy Forum’s spring series of events. All programs are free and open to the public. The full schedule is available at