High School Students Will Debate Benefits of Community Schools
WHAT: A student debate about the benefits of community schools titled “Debunking Community School Myths” for the educational professionals attending the Coalition for Community Schools 2010 National Forum, co-hosted by the Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania
WHO: Teams of debaters from Philadelphia’s Bodine High School and Kansas City’s Central High School will duke it out to see which team can make the best case for community schools.
The Bodine team, one of the most successful in Philadelphia, has won several citywide debate titles, and one member has qualified for national competition, placing among the top eight students in a state tournament.
The Central High Team, chronicled in the book “Cross-X,” is a major force in the Urban Debate movement, sending teams to a number of national tournaments, winning tournaments in two states and making the elimination round in three others.
WHEN: 5:30 p.m., Thursday, April 8
WHERE: National Constitution Center, 525 Arch St.
Additional information about community schools, the conference agenda and speakers is available at www.communityschools.org/.