Japanese Kabuki Theater Art at Penn's Arthur Ross Gallery
PHILADELPHIA - The University of Pennsylvania's Arthur Ross Gallery welcomes Dramatic Impressions: Japanese Theatre Prints from the Gilbert Luber Collection in its new exhibit that runs from March 17 until May 6.
The exhibit explores the dynamic relationship of the Japanese woodblock print to traditional kabuki theater during the 19th and 20th centuries. Dramatic Impressions highlights more than 70 works from the late Gilbert Luber's collection of 19th century prints and images by the late artist Natori Shunsen.
By focusing on representations of theater and actors early modern printmakers developed many visual forms re-creating the effects of staging, pose, make-up and costume in a print medium. These vibrant prints illustrate images of actors performing as men and women, villains and heroes, losers and lovers.
The Arthur Ross Gallery is located at 220 S. 34th Street and is open Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and weekends from noon-5 p.m. Exhibitions are free and open to the public. Additional information is available at 215-898-2083 or www.upenn.edu/ARG.